What's the biggest news in baseball as the major leagues move into the post-season? - it's the nine and ten years old illoz Bandits!
Since 2008 illoz has sponsored a fall baseball team and sure-enough, we're back again with some cool kids playing the best game ever!
You wanna know how cool these kids are? The one pictured to left, his name is Truck. That's not a nickname. It's on his birth certificate people!

As the commissioner of Fall Baseball leagues in Western North Carolina I have to round up a lot of coaches. Sometimes it ain't easy to get coaches, I tell ya.
This year was lousy for coaches in the 9 and 10 year old division. I had to ask some friends to help out.
The Bandits coach was a fellow that stepped up. He's Zach Alberto, pictured left and I want to thank him for setting aside his drum sticks and coaching the illoz team this season. His assitant coach is Kelly Barrow, who I'm lucky enough to say is my girl friend and I sure do hope she stays my girl friend after this! Admittedly, Kelly doesn't know much about baseball, but she knows how to keep kids supplied with bubble gum and encourage a smile on their dirty little faces!

Who likes boring team photos? Nobody! Especially Bandits!
Past Teams Proudly Sponsored By illoz
The illoz Angels, 2008
The illoz Orioles, 2009
The illoz MudCats, 2010
The illoz LugNuts, 2011
The illoz Orioles, 2012
The illoz Volunteers, 2013